CRank: 5Score: 280

There were some 3DS in glass cases using iridescent paint (looks either metallic or black depending on the angle viewed) that looked nice, but honestly the massive bezels and chunkiness of the unit reminded me of the original DS model - there's a lot of wasted space. It just looks...awkward really. I'd wait until the inevitable 3DS Lite.

Bit of a shame they didn't stick with the DSi XL size, I've gotten used to the nice large screens.

5099d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

(I'm the article author)

I don't know what media outlet the guy was from, but wow I don't think he's very open-minded. Truth is the guys at Sony and Microsoft were both lining up to see each other's games, going out for drinks together, really at E3 everyone's one big happy gaming family no matter what studio or publisher you work for.

Nah, I didn't win unfortunately. I did win some sunnies at the Medal of Honor media session 8-pla...

5099d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was very swayed by PhysX, but in the end I got 2 ATi 4890s in Crossfire as they were a lot cheaper than GTX 275s (their performance equivalent).

Nvidia have done an absolutely brilliant job leading the way for GPU physics with PhysX, but until the physics engines are able to utilise the GPU on both brands there won't be many major steps as it will prevent sales from owners of the other brand and cause confusion in regular consumers (like the Blu-Ray vs HD DVD format war that sto...

5425d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've played both of those actually.

Crysis is a great showpiece for CPU physics with destructible buildings, trees and softbody foliage.

However, have you noticed all buildings fall apart in panels? It's always just the sheets of metal / wood / plaster, which don't break realistically at all. That's because CPUs aren't great at parallel processing, and can only handle so much at one time. DMM from LucasArts was supposed to be the next big thing as it could properly b...

5425d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's so picky about games, but this one he's really into. From everything I've heard the game is very good but nothing special.

5523d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good to know my review was helpful. =)

5577d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment